New Year - New Commission

Have you ever considered commissioning a piece? It sounds practically out of reach for most people. However, in the age of the internet, and with the way we connect post-COVID, it’s never been easier. In December of 2022 I had the honor of creating a brand new piece of art for a charming couple familiar with my work (having seen it hanging at my job!!). They have a large and uniquely proportioned wall in their dining room and had a vision of an artwork built to fit and to last. They contacted me through the brand new email I set up with this website; but I hadn’t been checking it since it was so new, so they had to contact me on my instagram address which was listed on my old business cards!! A great lesson to me in checking communication channels regularly (ha!). Once we got in touch I was deeply moved. Creating this piece was a ton of fun and a huge honor. I hope the new year brings more commissions and oppertunities to connect with new friends and great arts. Thank you to anyone who’s ever reached to to a local artist they enjoyed - I’m sure you made their day!


Welcome to Atelier JP